Fantasy Premier League Gameweek 5 top 20. Congrats to Amalan Premkumar of Team Arsenal who tops the table. Join our league by clicking this link or using the league code 312262-96169
Fantasy Premier League Gameweek 4 top 20
Fantasy Premier League Gameweek 3 Top 20
Fantasy Premier League Gameweek 1 Top 20
Fantasy Premier League Tips & Tricks
Full Disclosure this article is a compilation of Tips & tricks by various FPL tips sites and we compiled the most important ones to make your job easy to pick the right team. Most usual Tactics used is either 3-4-3 or 3-5-2 of course depending on gameweek we can go with other tactics, but in general we start with 3 at the back. This is because defenders often score far less over the course of the season than mid/forward players, but if done right they can be a reliable source of points over the season, for cheap. How to Pick the Goalkeepers There are two main schools of thought when selecting your keepers, you either go for: 'Pick and Forget strategy' – a heavy
Fantasy Premier League Beginner’s Guide
Fantasy Premier League (FPL) is a popular online game where you create your own fantasy football team and compete against others. Here is a beginner's guide to help you get started: Step 1 Visit website you will land on a page as shown in the picture. Click the green 'Sign Up Now' button. Step 2 Fill in all your details in the form that appears including personal details, your favorites & Email preferences. Then click complete registration. Step 3 After completing your registration go to the email account of the email you provided & you can find mail from Premier League. Open the email and click the "Activate Account" button in it. After clicking it a new tab will open and you will land on a